The Legend of Xanadu Dub Project
UPDATE: The deadline for initial submissions has passed!
The deadline for submission was May 19, 2017.
However, we will continue to communicate with auditionees over the coming weeks to ensure that everyone has had a chance to respond to feedback and show us everything that they can do.
We have received over 1,000 individual character auditions from nearly 200 individual people. If you auditioned and are waiting for your first round of detailed feedback, we are deeply sorry for the delay. While we can't promise responses by any particular time, we are sending out many responses on a daily basis, and we intend to give feedback to everyone before deciding on the cast.
The response exceeded our expectations, and we are delighted to say that this is shaping up to be a very good dub indeed. Thank you very much to all who have auditioned, and to the many others who have helped spread the word about this project.
Again, thank you.
How to submit an audition:
Record one or all of the audition lines provided for the character(s) you want to play, then attach the output to an email and send it to All auditions will be kept private.
- File format should be set to 16-bit 44,100Hz WAV or FLAC, and the number of seconds allotted for each line in brackets should be observed. See the How to Record page for help on producing good takes.
- In the subject line of your email, please type "Audition: <character name> by <your name/handle>". Your files can be named anything you like, though that will change after casting is complete.
- Feel free to audition for multiple characters at once. Just separate the character names in the subject line with a comma and space.
- Audio quality will be a factor, so please aim for the highest recording quality that you can. Also, if you are willing to purchase a better microphone or go to a better recording space if you get a part, please include a note saying so in the body of your email.
- To the extent possible, I would be happy to give feedback and work with you to improve your audition. Let me know if you are interested in this.
- The deadline for submissions is May 19th, 2017.
Character List…
ROLES (19)
Male Roles…
Age range: Late 20s
Pitch: Medium / Medium-high
Line count: 140
Bio: The hero protagonist of the Legend of Xanadu games, Areios is the descendant of a great hero who, a thousand years ago, slayed a terrible dragon and saved the realm of Ishtaria. Though his family's name has long fallen out of favor, Areios has managed to achieve the rank of Marshal of the Royal Vanguard - a prestigious position, if one that forces him to spend his time fighting on distant frontiers. Areios is optimistic, brave, and innocent with a touch of naivety. In the first game in particular, he has a level-headed soldier's temperament to him. He always uses informal speech in Japanese, but is very warm toward everyone, and is never sarcastic.
Speaking style: Areios has a positive, high energy vibe. He sounds friendly, clear, approachable, and in no way imposing or threatening. Everything about him says "good-guy".
Audition Lines:
[Looking out over a battlefield before ordering his men to attack and talking with Daimos, his right-hand man.]
This is it! Kakos has nowhere (else) to run! [3.2]
[Meeting an old friend he doesn't recognize. She's cute.]
Who...are you? How do you know my name? [4.0]
[Asking about a mystery-man who had just attempted to kidnap someone.]
Where was this man going next? [1.7]
Age range: 30s - 40s
Pitch: Low
Line count: 72
Bio: One of the highest ranking leaders of Royal Army, Daimos decided to join Areios fighting in the frontier-badlands of the Ishtaria kingdom. Curiously, he looks up to Areios despite being significantly older. He is stern, formal, loyal, and brave. In comedic moments, he is always the straight-man. He appears in both games.
Speaking style: Daimos is the one character that a demands deep, tough, dominant voice, like that of a grizzled old army officer. He definitely shouldn't sound soft or nasal. The other two main male characters, Areios and Lykos, are young and peppy, so this forms an important balance.
Audition Lines:
[Speaking to Areios during a battle, after admitting to himself that they're going to lose and he has to get Areios out.]
Lord Areios! Our lines are broken. The men can't fight much longer. Get yourself to safety and leave the rest of this to me...[7.8]
[Areios, upon hearing that his friend has not returned from a journey when he was expected to, declares that he is going to look for him. Nous tries to talk him out of it, but Daimos interrupts him saying this.]
I will accompany you. [1.4]
Age range: 20s
Pitch: Medium / Medium-high
Line count: 60
Bio: A thief with a heart of gold, Lykos is arrogant, crude, and funny. Despite his profession, we never get the notion that he has anything less than a strong sense of justice. While he works as comic-relief and hits on lots of pretty women, he also acts quite valiantly in their defense. Appearing in both games, he has the very first line players will hear in the latter.
Speaking style: Whatever else, Lykos must be fun. His intonation (nearly) always says that he's joking and is ready to party. He should perhaps be a little rough, as well as confident and generally energetic.
Audition Lines:
[A black cloud appears in the distance. Areios and Daimos want to take a detour and investigate; Lykos doesn't.]
Aww, forget that boring old cloud. What happened to getting back to the capital? We're going to have some FUN for once, you hear me!? Good wine...pretty girls... [9.7]
[Bad guys riding on dragons are attacking his ship. This is the first line of Xanadu 2.]
They're starting to get on my nerves. How come they're attacking my ship? [5.1]
[He tells his sweetheart that he is going to fight the end-boss, which may wind up getting him killed. This is a rare moment when he turns somber and serious.]
Mel...That doesn't really matter. I have to go. [5.0]
Age range: 30s - 40s
Pitch: Medium
Line count: 45
Bio: Nous appears in the opening of the first game as a mysterious character who is probably there to help Areios, but we can't be sure. He isn't a fighter so much as a tactician, with a shrewd wit and the suspicious calm of a James Bond villain. In terms of book-smarts, he probably beats everybody. Perhaps for that reason, he can come across as cold and snobby.
Though a minor character in the second game, Nous still appears extensively in the opening scene there as well as throughout the first game. He is unmistakably one of the most important characters in the series overall.
Speaking style: Nous should be smooth, with controlled intonation, and an authoritative tone. A little nasal is OK. It's important that his manner of speaking set him apart from Areios, Daimos and Lykos. An accent of one kind of another would not be out of place.
Audition Lines:[On a ship - Nous has basically kidnapped Areios and is going to drop him off on an island. We don't know whether he is a good guy or a bad guy yet.]
Look there, Lord Areios. That is the island of Ikthea. [3.7]
[Nous and Daimos are old rivals. It is revealed that Nous is presently employing Daimos's sister as his secretary.]
Daimos, you look like you want to say something. [2.1] (1.0 over OK)
Areios's Grandfather
Age range: 60s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 13
Bio: We don't really learn anything about him; he's just there to narrate the intro. He's only in the first game.
Speaking style: Above all, he's old, and anyone who plays him needs to be able to convince us that he could have a white beard down to his chest. In addition, there's definitely a classic fairy-tale storyteller quality to his narration. His intonation goes all over the place, and he really gets into the emotion of whatever he's talking about, almost as if he's reading a children's book to a room full of kindergartners. The Japanese has a raspy, tremble-y quality to it, although it's not necessary to reproduce that. He generally comes across as being quite kind. Erring on the side of hammy is probably better than the side of deadpan-serious, but don't get too carried away - we want him to sound dignified.
Audition Line:Ishtaria of a thousand years ago was a more peaceful place than now. People in those days lived out their lives in humble simplicity, seeking only their daily bread, and offering prayers both to the land and (to) the heavens alike. But, it was upon these people that disaster fell. [21.6]
[Narrating as a scrolling slide-show slowly goes by.]
Male Narrator
Age range: 30s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: None. He's only in the first game.
Speaking style: This is probably the most generic sounding voice in the cast. He speaks quickly and precisely, has fairly flat intonation, and generally sounds like someone who would be reading at a local news desk.
Audition Line:The badlands of Makuria, far to the west of Ishtaria's capital. Here, Areios has been leading a campaign against a horde of vicious monsters. Though forced to rely on newly conscripted soldiers, he now stands ready to strike at Kakos, the enemy general, (in the heart of his own territory.) [16.5]
[Narrating as we look at Areios and Daimos before the beginning of a battle.]
(The original Japanese is very fast-paced. If you can pull off the same speed and say the last seven words, great; if not, don't worry about it.)
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4+
Bio: Dardandis is a dragon from the depths of hell. He's trying to destroy the world; he commands and army of monsters; he was slain once, and spent a thousand years waiting in death for a chance to exact his revenge. So, yeah, he's evil.
Here's the catch: in one very important scene, Dardandis takes the form of an old man in order to fool the King of Ishtaria, and he speaks like he's 100 years old. It would be ideal, although not necessary, for the same actor to do both parts. See below.
Dardandis appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: This character should probably have a very deep voice. However, what's really important is that he sound big and scary, so if you can pull that off, it doesn't really matter what your pitch is. We'll probably apply some reverb/echo to give you that otherworldly feeling, and possibly other effects as well.
Audition Line:
[Areios has cleared the final dungeon and is about to begin the final boss fight. Start relaxed, then crescendo and intensify during the laugh. Also, the emphasis on "true" is because Dardandis met the "false" successor earlier. This is only the first in a few lines before the fight starts.]
Ah. At last, the true successor of Aineas. Ha ha ha ha! Welcome, Anemos! For a thousand long years, I have waited, and now the winds of fate have brought you to me. [17.4]
Evil Old Man
Age range: Old as dirt
Pitch: Any
Line count: 5+
Bio: See above. This is actually the evil dragon Dardandis/main bad guy in disguise. During a crisis, he tells the King of Ishtaria that he can fix everything if he is simply allowed near the awesomely-powerful Jewel of Theia. Of course, when he is, all hell breaks loose.
Speaking style: He sounds like he's literally about to fall apart. Of course, he also sounds highly suspicious, which the background music adds to. The tricky thing is, right before he reveals his true form, he says a line where his voice firms up a bit. Again, it would be ideal (but not necessary!) to have one actor who can do both Dardandis and this evil old man. If we can't get one person, then at least the two people need to be similar.
Audition Line:
[After receiving an audience with the King of Ishtaria, he explains to him that he can quickly bring an end to a crisis they are facing. The King asks him if it's really as simple as he says, and he responds with this.]
It is so, your majesty. There is nothing to fear. If you will only leave this matter to me…why, you will see Theia's light shining forth again in but a few moments. [14.9]
Age range: 30s - 40s
Pitch: Anything but high
Line count: 15
Bio: A warrior so mysterious, we never see his face. Appearing only in the second game, Landis spends a lot of time coming and going, and we spend a lot of time wondering if we can really trust him. He is no-nonsense, private, and ultimately passionate; in a word, stoic. He is a good-guy, by the way.
Speaking style: Low and cool. Maybe a little suspicious sounding, but only a little. The guy is a knight, after all. There's also a sense of urgency to most of his lines.
Audition Line:
[In this scene, the gang is trying to get information out of Landis about some magic rocks. He reveals some things, but hides others. Don't overdo the ellipses at the end, but don't ignore it completely. Also, you could move it if you think that the rhythm will work better.]
That is correct. Each of the four stones you have uncovered is one them. Together, the Seven Souls may decide the fate of the world. We must not allow them to fall...into their hands. [13.3]
Age range: 30s
Pitch: Anything but high
Line count: 15
Bio: There's no way to explain him without major spoilers, so be warned.
Jeed is Areios's older brother who was somehow corrupted, and was supposed to have been executed. We don't know much about this back-story. Areios certainly never knew him. He comes back seeking to fool Dardandis, swipe the Dragon Slayer, and wipe out all existence to remake it as he sees fit.
He appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: Jeed is actually kind of plain in the original. He's mid-range, clear, and aside from run-of-the-mill sinister, there just aren't that many adjectives to describe him. I suppose there is a slight suggestion of sophistication to him. If you have an approach that adds something else, I'm all ears.
By far the most challenging thing about voicing him is that he gives a long, earnest death monologue during which he stammers and grunts as he bleeds out. You'll have to be able to deliver this at a slow tempo with lots of dramatic pauses.
Audition Lines:
[From the shadows, Jeed watched as Areios and Sophia took a sword called the Dragon Slayer which he had been trying to take himself, but couldn't. Here, he has just revealed himself to them, and is about to effortlessly knock Areios aside and kidnap Sophia.]
Why didn't I see it before? Ha ha ha ha ha! Of course Sophia was the key to breaking the seal! It all makes perfect sense. [10.4]
[These next two are spoken after a climactic fight. Areios, whose real name is Anemos, has defeated Jeed. Here, Jeed is lying on the ground, with blood coming out of his mouth, and he's going through a sort of deathbed-conversion. You'll notice you have a lot of time - use it to sound like you're straining to speak your last words, but with peaceful resignation. The long speech follows this, by the way.]
You have...fought well...Anemos. [4.3]
The Goddess...Ishtar...has [5.5]
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4
Bio: There are four demigod-guardians, one for each direction of the wind, and Boreas is the guardian of the north wind and essentially the leader. For his entire existence, he's lived in a holy floating city of angels, and he is 100% serious about everything. You could say he's like a holy authority who helps Areios reach his full power.
He appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: He shouldn't sound young, as he's been alive for millennia, but he also shouldn't sound withered. The original Japanese voice is low and very firm. His intonation is fairly flat. It's preferable if he doesn't sound too much like a normal human, but rather like some nebulous authority.
Audition Line:
[Areios is about to get the holy awesome sword and go off to the final dungeon.]
Anemos, the battle that stands before you will be the most difficult you have ever faced. [6.3]
Age range: Under 12
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: Nikola appears only in the prologue chapter of the first game and the cutscene after it. A mischievous but caring boy with a concern for justice, he had gotten caught in the middle of a rivalry between two villages, but was saved by Areios. He's a tough kid; even being imprisoned didn't scare him.
Speaking style: It's a pretty generic male-child voice. High-pitched is preferable. He has to sound amped up and energetic, though. In theory, it should be possible for a woman to do his voice, too, a la Nancy Cartwright doing almost every boy on The Simpsons.
Audition Line:
[The boss of the prologue is finished, peace has returned, and Nikola is coming to tell Areios that the local Sister (a nun) is going to help him with something.]
Mr. Marshal! (pause as we hear footsteps running up) Mr. Marshal! The Sister is looking for you. [4.7]
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4
Bio: Teo only appears in the prologue chapter of the first game. He comes from a long line of wine-makers, but his village had ostracized him for falling in love and cooperating with a rival wine-maker from another village. By the time he appears in a voiced scene, this has thankfully all been resolved.
Speaking style: He's a very typical guy — adult, perhaps with a shade of self-consciousness in there, and otherwise just healthy and capable. In the original game, he has a medium pitch, but I'm open to anything that sounds good.
Audition Line:
[The boss of the prologue is finished, peace has returned, and Teo is thanking Areios because he's now able to be with his sweetheart.]
Hey, I know! If Merina and I have a son, we'll name him Areios! If you...don't mind, sir. [6.3]
(on the right)
King of Ishtaria
Age range: 40s—60s
Pitch: Low, Medium-low
Line count: 8
Bio: We learn little about him in particular, but we do know that the entire elite of Ishtaria is corrupt and foolish. From the one scene that features him, during which a crisis unfolds, we can see that he certainly expects to be treated like a king, but he also struggles to deal with problems and is a bit naive.
He appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: He's very firm and bossy, with no wimpy side. He enunciates well, and in the the original, he even uses a bit of ye olde English-like Japanese. We won't do that in the translation, but it's something to keep in mind. In his only scene, he is probably a little tired and worried even though he doesn't really let it show.
Audition Line:
[The Jewel of Theia, a crystal that grants magical powers to the people of Ishtaria, has suddenly stopped working. As his minister tries to explain that they don't know why this has happened, the Emperor angrily interrupts and says this.]
(interrupting) Find out then! I don't care what it takes! (sigh/groan) Can you imagine what will happen if magic is lost throughout the whole of Ishtaria? [7.9]
(on the left)
Royal Minister
Age range: 30s - 40s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: As with the King, we learn very little of him, but there is an implication of ineptness. This guy sounds like a yes-man who simply does what he has to not to make the King upset.
He appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: Very generic. Any pitch is fine; just sound like a bureaucrat.
Audition Line:
[A grumpy King asks him why an important magic crystal has stopped working, and cuts him off mid-sentence.]
Sire, we simply don't... [1.4]
Prince Alcon
Age range: 30s - 50s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 3
Bio: Prince Alcon is supposed to govern Makuria, one of the provinces of the Ishtaria kingdom, but the truth is that he's merely a minister's son who married the royal-blooded Princess, and he's kind of a pushover. His "princely" tone is all a show; his father has to remind him to act the way he should on a regular basis.
He appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: A little stuffy and foppish. It's OK to ham it up, but not too much.
Audition Lines:
[The Queen "suggests" that they give Areios some soldiers]
Oh!/Ah! A fine idea, (my) darling! I shall have General Zena see to it at once! [5.5]
[Areios declines, saying he would have no use for them because he already beat the boss bad-guy]
Is that so? Well, do be careful, Lord Areios. [4.0]
Age range: 30s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 5
Bio: Appearing only in the second game, Aug is an evil shaman obsessed with reviving a death-god that will destroy the world. He is scheming, deceitful and cruel. There is really not much more to him than that.
Speaking style: More than any other bad guy, his voice should make us think "maniac" right from the get-go. He can be done cartoonishly and exaggeratedly, but probably shouldn't be funny, per se. A great way to warm up for recording this part might be to let loose with a diabolical bad-guy laugh.
Audition Line:
[Revealing his evil plan to bring about an apocalypse to Markasto, a knight who double-crossed his own men so that he could serve Aug, believing that he would create an age of peace.]
We will reduce all (of) the vermin who put their faith in lesser gods to ashes!! This land will become a paradise, Markasto...a paradise of death! [11.5]
Master Enas
Age range: 50s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 9
Bio: In a world where most people rely on borrowed magic power, Master Enas has cultivated a magic of his own. He lives in a remote mountainous territory, and at the top of a high cliff. He is well-informed and wise, and works as an ally to the good-guys. He is also brave and determined. Pyrra, the plucky magician girl in the main party, is his disciple.
He appears in both games, but is voiced only in the first.
Speaking style: He sounds very serious, but also has an undercurrent of warmth to him. He certainly sounds old, but is also fairly clear and mentally sharp. In the English version, he could have an accent or some other quirk.
Audition Lines:
[Areios regains consciousness and asks Master Enas how his wounds are doing. Master Enas had been injured during an encounter with Jeed.]
Pyrra was kind enough to wash and dress my wounds very nicely. But I won't be setting foot outside anytime soon. That much is for certain. [9.0]
[Master Enas is explaining about Jeed, a bad guy who has just appeared and about whom Areios and the rest of the main party know little. Everyone is thinking that Jeed is just a flunky for another bad guy, but Master Enas knows better.]
Precisely, Pyrra. And therein lies the true terror of Jeed, for he has evil designs of his own. [7.9]
Age range: 20s-40s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 9
Bio: There is not much to say besides that he's a generic sailor, but he doesn't seem like a bad person, at least. Sailors appear in both games, but we can choose between using one or two different voices.
Speaking style: Rough, tough, and gruff, like he has a tattoo of an anchor on his arm. You could do him kind of like a pirate or a flunky-thug.
Audition Lines:
[Running below deck to deliver a message that more airborne-enemies are coming.]
We've got trouble, Lykos!!
[No context needed, really.]
All aboard! Set sail!
[1.9] (OK to 3.0)
Bonus question — What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?
Age range: 20s-40s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4
Bio: Another character in the second game only, Markasto was Landis's best friend, but betrayed him in order to join forces with Aug. Sadly, it turns out he was duped into believing that Aug would bring about a paradise in the world. Though he is basically a bad-guy for most of the story, he winds up trying to atone for his sins near the end. Areios describes him as a true knight.
Speaking style: Markasto's scenes call for anger, spiritual exhaustion, and stoicism, though not necessarily all at the same time. He is noble and strong, but ultimately a defeated man, so there has to be more to his tone than just that of a generic soldier.
Audition Lines:
[After months, or possibly even years, Markasto finally catches on to the fact that Xanadu 2's real bad-guy Aug has been tricking him all along. Here, he is confronting him, and after one reply, he cuts in saying this.]
You lied to me! You swore that we would turn Ashnal into a paradise! [3.8]
[In a kind of honor-suicide, Markasto fights you as the boss of one the last chapters. Before the fight begins, he says this.]
So you've come. I'm afraid there is no other way out of this, (Areios). En-guarde! [6.0]
Age range: 20s-30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 3
Bio: Like the Royal Minister, he's a yes-man trying not to get in trouble.
Speaking style: His tone suggests that he is bossed around a lot and is used to getting in trouble. He should be a little timid, but still fitting the role of the guard of a king.
Audition Line:
[Explaining that an old man has arrived offering to help with a crisis they're having. Note that the old man is actually evil, and there is a tense atmosphere.]
An old man has requested an audience with you. He says that he has a proposition. [5.3]
Yeti Elder
Age range: 50s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: The only Yeti that is able to speak any English, the Yeti Elder is the mayor of a Yeti Village, which is friendly with a nearby human village. The Yeti's overall are kind, considerate, and a little cute. They only appear in the first game.
Speaking style: In the Japanese version, he coughs and wheezes a lot. Also, he stammers and stalls in a caveman-like way, and however you prefer to approach this, you're going to have to make relatively few words fill a long stretch of time.
Audition Lines:
[He is trying to convince Areios to let a strong young Yeti named Argos join the group and fight to save Ishtaria.]
*cough*...We send...Argos...with you...on behalf...all Boras! [7.9]
Argos...strong...brave...will help you!! [4.9]
Prologue Boss
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: He has spent many centuries sealed away in a cave, where he now commands a nest of monsters, and he recently grew furious when humans spilled several barrels of wine in his cave.
Speaking style: Slimy, drooly, breathy, icky, and of course, purely evil. You're literally a monster. We'll probably apply lots of after-effects, too.
Audition Line:
[This is his only line. Areios has gone deep inside of a monster-filled cave to destroy him, and here, he has found him.]
(Long gross breath) Who goes there? (long gross breath again) No lowly human has ever stood his ground before me. You must be brave. This will be fun! I'm going to crush you like the filthy insect you are! (22.9)
Chapter 1 Boss
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: Before the revival of the great evil dragon at the end of Chapter 2, there is a monster named Kakos who is the biggest baddie in the land. This isn't him, but rather his right-hand-man. He captured Daimos and set him up as bait to lure Areios, whom he intends to kill to impress his boss.
Speaking style: This guy is actually somewhat high-pitched and raspy in the Japanese version. While many of the bosses are fully monsters, he seems semi-human. Still, he's over-the-top bad, so ham it up! It doesn't really matter if he matches the original, either.
Audition Line:
[This is his only line. All you need to know for context is that he's the boss at the end of a cave-dungeon. That, and his line is referring to the opening cutscene of the game where Areios escapes a desperate battle with Kakos.]
So you're the one who got away. Kakos must be losing his touch if he couldn't catch a runt like you! I can hardly wait to show him your corpse! Ha ha ha ha! [13.7]
Chapter 2 Boss - Kakos
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4
Bio: We see this guy in the opening cutscene as well as at the end of Chapter 2. He has more lines than any other ordinary boss, so be prepared for that. He is the big-wig monster in Ishtaria until Dardandis comes along.
Speaking style: Heavy distortion effects are applied to the Japanese version, so we will probably do that here, too. Anyway, just be dominant, clear, and over-the-top evil.
Audition Line:
[In Chapter 2, Kakos kidnaps a young prince named Leon, and Areios has arrived to save him. Before you fight Kakos, you have to fight his two flunkies, and this line is from right before that fight starts.]
Ha ha ha ha!! You've got a lot courage to show yourself here, boy! I'll let you in on a little secret. I've brought that crybaby Leon here to watch your fight. After it's over, the two of you are going to share a grave! Ha ha ha ha!! Go, you filthy grunts! Bring me his head! [25.9]
Chapter 3 Boss
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: Awakened by the revival of Dardandis, this guy is a tundra dweller, and there is not a lot more to him than that. We do know that he was smart enough to steal the most important of seven crystals that are used to generate a magic barrier, and to kidnap a child in order to lure Areios.
Speaking style: The Japanese original sounds like a rather ordinary guy put through some rather ordinary distortion, so I think we're free to go with whatever we want. As long as you can sound a big and tough, I think that will be enough.
Audition Line:
[No special context; he's just at the end of a dungeon. Adding a small laugh somewhere is OK if it helps delivery.]
I've been waiting for you. My name will be famous throughout this wretched land very soon...for I am about to destroy the the dark one's eternal enemy! [11.3]
Chapter 5 Boss
Age range: Under 40
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: We know nothing about this guy until we meet him, but he does have an air of sophistication. Also...and I don't think we have to have this in the English game...the Japanese original makes him sound like a gay stereotype of sorts.
Speaking style: This is one of the few bosses that sounds like a normal human and probably won't need much in the way of distortion effects. He needs a clear and aristocratic sounding voice. An accent would be fine.
Audition Line:
[No context other than being at the end of a dungeon.]
Ha ha ha ha ha! (pause)My (my), what a fine-looking specimen! So rare is it to prey on a young soldier with such fire in his eyes! Such resolve in his face! I almost hate to destroy something so beautiful...but then (again), nothing is more beautiful than the face of a man gripped by the realization of his imminent doom! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Chapter 7 Boss
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: It's really just some monster. Like the Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 boss, we know nothing about him before or after we meet him.
Speaking style: Well, you're a dragon skeleton. Sell it, baby.
Audition Line:
[You just met this mysterious bad guy who turns out to be Areios's long-lost brother. He wanders off, and as you try to tend to other business, you meet this boss.]
So, the other descendant of Aineas has arrived...The one who dares to defy our dark ruler! I shall burn you to ashes, boy! You shall suffer in the all-consuming fires of hell! [14.5]
Chapter 8 Boss
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: Again, it's just some monster.
Speaking style: Seriously, anything goes. If it sounds good and fits the visual, then great. If you're curious, the original Japanese voice is fairly low, but don't let that put you off if you think you have another way that will work.
Audition Line:
[A typical taunt after Areios makes it through the dungeon, and before the fight begins.]
(Oh!) Very impressive! I was worried (that) you wouldn't make it here. But make no mistake: this is as far as you go. I am going to crush you like the tiny little vermin that you are! [14.2]
Townsman #1
Age range: 30s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: This is just a bit-part, but we can use him in both games. In one, he reacts to the sky turning black and magic disappearing. In the other, he cheers for Areios as he returns home.
Speaking style: Just be clear and energetic.
Audition Line:
[The sky turns black.]
What's going on? [1.1]
Townsman #2
Age range: 30s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: See above.
Speaking style: See above.
Audition Line:
[The sky turns black, magic disappears.]
What!? No!! [1.8]
Townsman #3
Age range: 30s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: See above.
Speaking style: See above.
Audition Line:
[The sky turns black, magic disappears.]
What's wrong? [1.2]
Age range: Under 10
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: Another bit-part, and it's the same scene as above. The boy reacts as he sees the sky turn black. Also, for Xanadu 2, we will either reuse this voice or get a different actor to join the townspeople in welcoming Areios.
Speaking style: He just has to sound like a scared kid.
Audition Line:
[The sky turns black.]
Mom, look! The sky! [1.7]
Old Man
Age range: 90s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: Just another person reacting with fear to the sky changing.
Speaking style: He needs to sound old enough that we can recognize his age with just a few words. Also, he sounds confused and panicked here.
Audition Line:
[The sky turns black.]
What in the world could this this mean? [2.1]
Female Roles…
Age range: 20s
Pitch: Medium / Medium-high / High
Line count: 42
Bio: Pyrra studied magic under Master Enas. With a lot of practical-smarts, she is sparky and independent, and she knows how to take control of a situation. Perhaps she can react to things with a little too much emotion sometimes, but she is still very reliable. Pyrra was the most popular character from The Legend of Xanadu in Japan, and appears in both games.
Speaking style: While the Japanese version is a little high pitched and superficially cute, what I'd like for the English version is a clear, full-bodied and confident adult. Pyrra gets stuff done and does what she wants to do, and I'd like her tone to reflect that.
Audition Lines:
[A crazy old woman named Helga and a yeti named Argos are giggling it up and being goofy]
(Sigh)...You are BOTH out of your minds! [2.9]
[Landis is telling Areios and company about the four mysterious stones they've uncovered and asking them find three more with him, but he's not explaining why, and everyone but Areios thinks he's really fishy. Pyrra says this half as a question, half as mocking-disbelief.]
Let me get this straight. You're saying we have to go dig up the rest of these stones, that something incredible might happen when we do…(and) yet you can't give us any more details (than that)? [11.8]
Age range: 20s
Pitch: Medium / Medium-high / High
Line count: 18
Bio: Sophia is holy. It's kind of implied that instead of having parents, the Goddess Ishtar "made" her. She was born with the ability to use magic, and has spent most of her life in what is essentially a monastery. She is unselfish to the point of being angelic, as well as vulnerable and soft-spoken. Though her line count is small and she practically only has a cameo in the second game, Sophia is an extremely crucial character in the story of the first game.
Speaking style: Sophia's voice is a little whispery, and maybe just a bit child-like. She should probably be toward the higher end of the female pitch spectrum, but anything goes if you sound good.
Audition Lines:
[The bad-guy Jeed appeared earlier and left after being unable to capture Sophia. He had gotten inside the temple where she lives even though all other men (except Areios) are magically sealed out of it. We learn later that he was able to enter because he is Areios's brother and a descendant of the hero Aineas, so the barrier let him through.]
I just couldn't understand how this man entered Partia Temple. The only one who was supposed to be able to do that was Areios. He had brown hair...and cold, dark eyes. [12.4] (Include a pause before the last sentence)
[At the beginning of Xanadu 2, Areios tells Sophia that their friend Lykos is missing and he's going out to look for him.]
Missing? Areios, be careful. I can feel it...Something dreadful is coming... [5.0]
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Low / Medium
Line count: 27
Bio: Medea is like the female equivalent to Daimos, but without any vulnerable side. She doesn't take any crap from anyone. Her job is to guard Sophia, which she takes very seriously, and we also get the sense that she is well-studied. Although featured as a main character in both games, she admittedly has fairly little development as such. However, the things she does say are usually pretty important to the story itself.
Speaking style: Lower range, not a lot of intonation-variation, and generally smooth and collected. She could be a little sultry if you want.
Audition Lines:
[Sophia is ill, but has gotten up to greet Areios.]
Lady Sophia, let's return to your room. [2.6]
[Lykos was stabbed, and they have brought him to a safe place where they are trying to help him.]
Lord Areios, his wound is deeper than I thought. He can't hold on much longer like this. [5.7]
Age range: 20s
Pitch: Medium / High
Line count: 19
Bio: A village girl swept away in adventure, Meltina is innocent, devoted, just a little vulnerable. She falls in love with Lykos and saves him twice. She only appears in the second game
Speaking style: Clear but soft, and low-volume. The Japanese voice has a certain fragility to it, but that's a low-priority characteristic.
Audition Lines:
[Lykos has been mortally wounded, and Areios and the others are heading out in search of divine healing magic.]
Wait, (everyone)! [pause]...I want to go, too. I have to do something to help Lykos. Take me with you. [8.2]
[Areios and the gang are talking about going off to confront the final boss. Meltina doesn't want him to go.]
Lykos? Are you...going to go with them? [3.4]
Age range: 20s-30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 5
Bio: Lumina is Daimos's younger sister. While she only appears in the second game, we learn that she lost her home during the calamity of the first. Nous, who has apparently known her since childhood, went out of his way to find her and give her a job as his secretary. Although Daimos is none-too-pleased with this state of affairs, Lumina herself seems quite content. She gets along with everyone, and is not afraid to poke a little fun, but is also respectful and professional.
Speaking style: Lumina is simply an ordinary happy woman. She should be clear with plenty of presence, and maybe come across a tad forward and headstrong, but generally be quite agreeable as company.
Audition Line:
[Daimos and Areios are visiting Nous in a castle under construction. As they chat in Nous's office, he calls to Lumina, who is in the next room at this moment. The setup is to surprise Daimos, who doesn't know that she is here.]
Did you need something, Sir Nous? [2.6] (any amount under is OK)
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4
Bio: In the first game, Prosta was a devoted and high-ranking clergywoman who lived in Partia Temple with Sophia, but disrobed when extraordinary circumstances required that she get married with Daimos. It's a long story.
In the second game, which is the only one in which she has a voiced part, she has a short exchange with Daimos as he is leaving on another adventure. We get the sense that being forced to abandon her old life and wait for Daimos has taken a spiritual toll on her, but she is nonetheless devoted as a wife.
Speaking style: A little mature, and with a hint of melancholy. Her voice can be either full-bodied or whispery, but it should be fairly clear either way.
Audition Line:
[Daimos is visiting Partia briefly, and is about to leave again without having spent any time with Prosta.]
Are you...leaving already, Daimos?
Age range: 50s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 3
Bio: Featured in only one chapter of the first game, Helga is last in a long line of priestesses who worship a Goddess called Tuun. Spoiler alert...Tuun is actually a monster who has been deceiving people for centuries.
Helga comes across as a crazy old coot, and is considered such by her community. In reality, she's perfectly sane, and is otherwise just a kooky old lady who doesn't hesitate to say whatever she's thinking. When Areios and the gang begin to uncover the truth about Tuun, she not only responds rationally, but even takes a lot of risks to help them.
Speaking style: Her appearance is grey and wrinkled, so she's absolutely got to sound like it. In addition, she has a kind of "double, double, toil and trouble" witch tone to her...but I wouldn't want to get too carried away with that. Remember, she is one of the good-guys.
Audition Line:
[The phony Goddess, who turned out to be the boss, is defeated, and Helga is seeing her ancient temple in daylight for the first time.]
Well I'll be! Ha ha! With a little daylight on it, this old temple is beautiful! [6.5]
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Low / Medium
Line count: 1
Bio: Spoilers ahead...Riala appears near the end of the first game only. She says she's a trader specializing in fabrics, but it turns out she's a spider-monster in the employ of the villain. That's not revealed until after the scene with her voice, however. She actually has a tragic past (she just wants to be loved), so even though she's "evil", it's not an especially prominent feature of her character.
Speaking style: In the original, she's low and "luxurious" sounding, but I'm open to almost any pitch and tone as long as it can go with her face and character. I would even go as far as to say that the Japanese voice is a bit mismatched.
Audition Line:[The entire party, which Riala joined just recently, wanted to go to a holy city called the City of Haze, but only Areios and Sophia were allowed in. The other members are standing around asking each other what they will do next. This is Riala's only line.]
Me? Well, I was hoping I could find something in the City of Haze (that) I could sell back in Ramabad, but that's all right. I've done what I can. Sometimes you just have to set your dreams aside and get back to work. [14.0]
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: Merina only appears in the prologue chapter of Xanadu 1. Like Teo, she makes export-bound wine, but faces pressure to isolate herself and avoid contact with the rival village on the same island. She is in love with Teo, and by the prologue's end (when her voiced scene comes up) she is delighted that she can finally be with him.
Speaking style: A very ordinary-sounding this case, overjoyed with the way that the situation has turned out.
Audition Line:Teo! Does this mean we're finally getting married? [3.1]
[The prologue chapter has come to its happy ending, and Teo dropped a hint that he and Merina are going to get married and have children.]
Princess Elinni
Age range: 30s+
Pitch: Low / Medium
Line count: 1
Bio: The real one in charge of the Makuria province, the princess is fairly level headed and reasonable. We don't see much of her, but she seems nice enough. One could interpret her as being a little cool and calculating, however. She's only in one chapter of the first game. As explained in the bio of Prince Alcon, it's actually the Princess here who has the royal blood and the true authority in Makuria.
Speaking style: A little mature, low-medium pitch, smooth, relaxed, and confident.
Audition Line:
[Areios has rescued Prince Leon, the Princess's son, and she is thanking him. This is her only line.]
It seems you originally came to our castle to borrow soldiers. As thanks for saving Leon, perhaps we can lend you some now. What do you think, my dear? [10.0]
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Low / Medium
Line count: 4
Bio: A hugely important but mysterious character, we only know that Theia is a sorceress who essentially perfected her magic ability, then more-or-less invested her soul in something called the Jewel of Theia. For reasons unexplained, the evil dragon Dardandis possessed this jewel when he first appeared a thousand years before the game's beginning. When Areios's ancestor defeated him and took the jewel for himself, he put it in a tower, and the light it shone across the land gave everyone in Ishtaria the ability to use magic. However...spoiler alert...Theia's intentions are pretty dubious, too. She wants to be in a position of power and importance, like some sort of classical Greek goddess. She is only in the first game.
Speaking style: The original is fairly low, but what is more important is that she sound detached and goddess-like. Here's the really key thing: in the one scene that features her, you start off talking normally, then transition into a spiteful maniac complete with distortion effects. Theia is the true final boss of the first game.
Audition Line:[Areios has just defeated the big bad dragon called Dardandis, who appeared to be the final boss. This is Theia's opening line, and she is addressing Areios (whose real name is Anemos) from on high, so to speak.]
Anemos, you have fought valiantly and well. I am the one called Theia. A thousand years ago, (your ancestor) Aineas placed my jewel here in his tower so that I could lend the power of my magic to his people. And now, with your victory over Dardandis, I put my power back at your disposal. [20.0]
[This is not the complete line, but I'd like to keep things simple. Try to say this in the most pissed-off-demi-god/demonesque voice you can. No time limit.]
You will pay the price for your insolence!
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 4
Bio: Argos is a Yeti who is friends with the local human children in a snow-filled territory of Ishtaria. Spoiler alert: Argos comes across as a "he" at first, but is revealed to be a "she" in a later chapter. She is a strong-but-cute sidekick character along the lines of Mog from Final Fantasy VI, and appears only in the first game.
Speaking style: This is tricky. Very tricky. In the Japanese game, all of the yetis (except for the elder) use the same signature word, and it's the only thing they say. In romanized Japanese, it would be written as "buho" (boo-hoe). Whether we use this in the English game will depend largely on whether an actress can pull it off while simultaneously sounding androgynous.
The Japanese version has a masculine tint to it, but we can ignore that if need be. A good solution might be for a woman to attempt a voice like an energetic but raspy young boy. Seriously, though, I'm open to anything, so if you think you can make a voice with some charm to it, please send me a take!
Audition Line:Buho! [0.5]
[This is the only thing Argos says, aside from laughing, but she says it in a number of different modes. Note that it doesn't fill much time.]
Goddess Ishtar
Age range: Under 50
Pitch: Any
Line count: 7
Bio: This Goddess is the divine creator of this world. She is benevolent and kind, but reclusive. The things she says are all a bit melancholic.
Speaking style: She is very clear, smooth and somewhat motherly-sounding, but not too intimate. She's strong and official in a narrator-like way. That's a good cue to take, actually, because her lines serve a very narration-like purpose. Note that these lines are all a bit on the long side.
Audition Line:
[Areios has defeated the final boss of Xanadu 2 with a sword called the Dragon Slayer, and is speaking with Ishtar for the first time. She is basically telling him that she will cease to exist, and the world will change.]
The Dragon Slayer's power will disappear together with me. But Sophia, who has served me so faithfully, will not. To her, I will give a vision to share with the world, of the paradise that could be made here. [14.7]
Sisters (x9)
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2 each
Bio: Just to be clear, yes, there are nine of them. At the end of nearly every cutscene in the first game, Areios goes to a church where he is warped to the next chapter. His exchange with the Sisters (nuns) in each church follows a fairly set pattern. NOTE: If possible, we would like each one to be performed by a different actress.
Speaking style: Anything goes! Just try to be clear and formal sounding. We have nine of these roles to fill, so it's nice to have some diversity in there.
Audition Line:May the Goddess watch over you. [3.0] (0.5 under OK)
[Said to Areios right before he warps away.]
Chapter 4 Boss
Age range: Any
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: 1000 years ago, this monster tricked people living near a great lake into believing that she was some kind of goddess. She was eventually sealed away by Areios's ancestor, but then unsealed because of events in the game. She lives in ancient temple ruins that nobody has set foot in for generations.
Speaking style: Heavy distortion effects are applied to the Japanese version, so we will probably do that here, too. Anyway, just be strong, clear, and over-the-top evil.
Audition Line:
[Areios arrives at the end of a dungeon. This is this character's only line.]
At last! The descendant of the one who sealed me away has arrived (in my domain)! You will now taste a hatred that has stewed for a thousand years, and the family that bears the name of the wind will be a thorn in our side no longer! [16.6]
Chapter 6 Boss
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: We know nothing about her except that she is a trusted henchwoman of a mysterious, more powerful bad-guy.
Speaking style: She could be a little sultry if you want. Otherwise, anything goes.
Audition Line:
[The mysterious, more powerful bad guy was trying to capture a woman named Sophia at a holy temple. However, Sophia was able to escape him, and he gave up, leaving his friend here.]
Stop right where you are! So, you rescued Sophia. Ha! You should have left Partia while you had the chance. (Now) you'll never set foot outside this temple again! Prepare to die! [14.0]
Townswoman #1
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: This is just a bit part, but we can use the character in both games. In the first, she responds to the sky turning black, while in the second, she cheers Areios as he arrives back in the capital of Ishtaria.
Speaking style: She just has to sound frightened in the first game, and elated in the second.
Audition Lines:
[The sky turns black, magic stops working, and people are scared. She's probably noticed a strange light from the king's tower.]
What's that? [0.5]
[Areios returns to the capital after a three-year peacemaking campaign.]
Areios! Areios, over here! [2.1]
Townswoman #2
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 2
Bio: Like the above part, this role is small, and in the first game, the character is reacting to the same thing - the sky turning black. In the second game, she is gossiping with other women as Areios and Daimos drop by a remote town.
Now, strictly speaking, we shouldn't use the same voice in both games because of a location difference. Regardless, I think it would probably be OK if you're up for it.
Speaking style: In addition to sounding bewildered in the first game, she needs to sound excited in the second.
Audition Lines:
[The sky is turning black, and worried people are murmuring.]
It's so dark! [1.0]
[Areios is visiting a remote town, and he returns to his ship to speak with Daimos before the leave. There women are looking on and gossiping.]
(gasp) Look! It's Areios! [1.3]
Townswoman #3
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: The part will only appear in the second game. Along with Townswoman #2 and #4, the character is gossiping in the background as Areios and Daimos
Speaking style: She just needs to sound excited.
Audition Line:
[Areios is visiting a remote town, and he returns to his ship to speak with Daimos before the leave. There women are looking on and gossiping.]
I told you that was Daimos! [1.7]
Townswoman #4
Age range: 20s - 30s
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: See above.
Speaking style: See above
Audition Line:
[Areios is visiting a remote town, and he returns to his ship to speak with Daimos before the leave. There women are looking on and gossiping.]
(But) Where's Prosta? [1.1]
Old Woman
Age range: 50s+
Pitch: Any
Line count: 1
Bio: A very old-sounding woman who is watching the sky turn black in the capital city of Ishtaria.
Speaking style: Naturally, she needs to sound old. In the original, we get the sense that this is a person who has seen a lot, and probably knows that disaster is coming. Whispery and wise would probably be a good tone to take.
Audition Line:
[The sky is turning black, and we've heard men, women and children who are confused and alarmed.]
Such a sinister looking sky… [2.1]