M1SZ1 > Anearth Walk Through > Yalem > Thief


Yalem/Thief/Age 5

thief Wake up in the inn of Yalem.

Go down the hall and talk to Marsh to wake him up.

Go downstairs to see a drunk stagger in. Bit early in the day to be drinking wouldn't you say?

Exit the inn. A boy talks to you and tells you to gather up the other kids in town and meet up at the town well. Actually I have no idea what he says since I can't read Japanese, but that's what I got out of it.

There are 3 other kids to find and talk to. One boy is upstairs in the house N of the inn. A girl can be found outside her house in the SW of town. The final boy can be found upstairs in the big house in the NW of town. Talk to him then go to the well located in the W part of town.

Talk to kids by the well then go to the church.

Enter the church then go down into the basement

Notice your baby basket on the table? Look at the basket and a fat mouse will come out to visit you. Seriously, a fat mouse. I'm not making this stuff up people. Anyway, talk to the mouse.

Exit the church and head back to the inn.

When you enter the inn, watch the -CUT SCENE- of Marsh for the location of a secret switch.

Find the room with the monkey. The monkey knocks a vase of the table which breaks revealing a key. Take the key. Of course you get blamed for breaking the vase instead of the monkey. Oh well, at least you got a key.

Take your key and unlock the door behind the bar. Flip the switch in the room to reveal the stairway down to the basement. Go down to basement.

Flip the switch to get past the hole in the floor.

Go to SAVE POINT and use it.

Yalem/Thief/Age 10

Watch Marsh in -CUT SCENE- for location of secret switch.

You'll find all the doors in the inn are locked so go downstairs.

Talk to Olivia and she'll give you three lock picks. Time to learn a skill every ten year old should know: lock picking.

Open all the doors in the inn using the lock picks. If you break them and run out, go back to Olivia and she'll give you three more.

Be sure to search in all the rooms. You should find some ARMOR and a HEAL POTION.


inn switchRemember the secret switch you saw Marsh using earlier? (see pic) Press it and then flip the switch in the next room to get to the KEY.

Go downstairs and lock pick the door behind the bar. Flip the switch and go down to the basement. You could use the key but may as well use the lock pick since you can get more of them.

Flip switch to get past the hole in the floor.


basementPress the hidden switch left of the SAVE POINT. (see pic)

Go down the short hallway and pick the lock to the room. Go inside the room to read the NOTE and get the HOLIX off of the table. Go back upstairs and exit the inn.

Time to get a little gold and some exp. Go to the big house in the NE part of town. Go inside and read all of the books there for some INT exp. Head to the kitchen and search there for some gold. Go downstairs to the basement and search for some gold and a TOOL. Use TOOL to raise your INT +1. Now head all the way upstairs (2nd floor) and search the SW room for a bit of gold. Exit the house.

Head over to the church and go inside. Read all of the books in the church for some INT exp. Now talk to the priestess. You have the choice of giving her the HOLIX or not. I can't tell a difference one way or another, but since you soon won't need that HOLIX anyway you may as well choose the top answer and give it to her. After receiving your blessing, exit the church.


This next part is optional and so far can't tell if it has any effect on the game but I'll put it here for now just in case.

Go to the wizards house in the NE part of town past the bridge. Enter his house and you'll see he's lying in bed. Go talk to him and you'll give him the HEAL POTION. Doesn't seem to help you out any that I can tell. Anyway...


Go back to the inn. Head back down to the basement and use the SAVE POINT.


Yalem/Thief/Age 15

Seems some bad guys have come to Yalem and now all the other children are missing. Looks like it's up to you to save them.

Talk to Olivia and get more lock picks if needed.

Go downstairs and talk to the monkey so he can go with you. Hey, even monkeys need to get out of the inn and get some exercise once in a while. Exit the inn and go to the church.


Go back to the inn, down the hidden stairs to the basement and talk to Marsh two times to get a KEY. Not sure why you really need it but never hurts to have a spare.

Exit the inn and go to the little girls house in the SW part of town. Look in her room and take the NECKLACE off the table.

Go to the big house in the NW part of town and use the NECKLACE to get inside. Go upstairs and lockpick all of the locked doors. You can read the NOTE too if you want.


special keyGet the TREASURE [Key Of Wicked Teaching] off of the table (see pic)

Go back downstairs via the NE stairway to the the dining room. Go through the kitchen and down the stairs to the basement.

Use the Key Of Wicked Teaching to useal the door. Hey look! All your friends are down here tied up. Time to set them free.

Walk up to one of the tied up kids. Open your menu and choose the middle right menu item to untie them. Do this for all of the other kids as well. NOTE: You must use the menu to do this because just using the action button won't work. Took me WAY to long to figure that out the first time. ^_^ Talk to one of the kids and they will leave.

Time for us to get outta here as well. Attempt to leave the house.


You should have recieved your BOW from Marsh, 100 gold from Yuki, your PERMANENT HOLIX [Pendant Of The King] that was stolen by Linda (thanks to the monkey!) and some TREASURE from Olivia.

You are now at the world map but first reenter Yalem. Go to the well in the W of town and talk to the kid there for an easy 200 gold. Don't bother buying anything in the stores here as there's better stuff to be had ahead. Exit Yalem and go to Jupito.


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